School Commission
As per the by-laws of the School Commission, members are appointed to the commission in order to ensure a good mix of skills, interests and diversity. This process involves current members creating a list of possible candidates from a pool of school parents, parishioners, former parents, and alumni that enable the commission to have representation from a variety of stakeholders and maintain diversity in skill sets, interests, and representation. This pool of candidates is then vetted by the pastor for approval.
The school commission meets monthly on the second Thursday. The School Commission is an advisory/consultative group that assists in writing plans and policies that are in compliance with Canon Laws of the Church and policies of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. In consultation with the pastor and school administration, the commission is involved in the following tasks:
1. Establishing and reviewing a three-to-five year School Strategic Plan for the pastor to approve
2. Formulate and recommend general, educational and financial policies that guide the administration in achieving objectives in the Strategic Plan
3. Provide input to the pastor on the performance appraisal of the effectiveness of the school administrator
4. Participate in the evaluation of policies and plans
5. Assist in the development of the long-term financial plan, annual operating budget, monthly financial reports, and end-of-year financial statement of the school
6. Directing the implementation of archdiocesan, state and local educational policies
7. Actively participate and oversee with the administration an institutional advancement/development planning and programs for the school
8. Communicating effectively with the school community
9. Oversight and evaluation with the pastor of the overall mission effectiveness of the school
The commission is involved in several areas that help keep the school on track in accordance with the goals and strategies set forth in the Strategic Plan and writing/updating school policies. They also assist in the process of setting the proposed school budget for approval. The school commission may seek input or participation from parents or parish members to serve on committees in order to assist in achieving goals set forth in the School Strategic Plan.
St. Louis School Commission Members
Fr. Stan Pondo, Priest
Patty Mauer, Principal
Steven Spielmann - Chair / President
Ethel Rodriguez - Vice Chair / Vice President
Jane Lieland - Secretary
Stephanie Hammond - member
Charlene Weberding - member
Amanda Peters-Jennings - member