Online registration is currently closed. Please contact our school office at (812)934-3310 or email Tricia Gehl ([email protected]) to set up a time to register, meet our principal, and take a tour!
Admissions Policy
We make every effort to limit the size of each class to 25 students, although in certain circumstances the principal may allow an exception. We consider the applications of non-parishioners only after the children of our parishioners have completed registration. Please see our complete Admissions Policy under the "Additional Information" section of this page.
Families transferring students to St. Louis from other schools should follow these procedures:
- Meet with the principal to discuss the reason for transfer and the expectations at St. Louis School
- Provide a copy of permanent records from the former school
- Send a Confidential Assessment Sheet (available in the main office) to the former school
- Allow the student(s) to take an academic placement test in reading and math (if asked by school personnel)
Kindergarten Enrollment
In order to enroll in the St. Louis Kindergarten program, a child must be five years old by August 1 and must be eligible under the school’s existing enrollment policy. Occasionally, parents will request that we admit their child to kindergarten even though the child will miss the cutoff date. In these cases, we will consider the child under the following conditions:
- There is adequate space
- The child is recommended by a preschool teacher
- The child is able to pass a readiness test
- School personnel recommend the child after consultation with the parents
A child must be six years old by August 1 to enter first grade.
After School Care Program
Enrollment into After School Care is open for children in kindergarten through 8th grade. Parents must enroll in After School Care each fall. Registration will continue throughout the school year providing enrollment does not exceed the limit established by the State of Indiana licensing regulation.
The Cardinal After School Care Program will be in operation 3:10 - 5:30pm on days school is in session. The cost is $6 per child. We will charge a late fee of $5.00 per five minutes for late pick up.
For more information, please see our After School Care page, contact our After School Care Program Coordinator by email, [email protected].